Necks & Backs

Physiotherapy for Necks and Backs

Our physiotherapists treat a wide range of neck and back problems, working carefully with patients to reduce pain and increase movement. Whether you’ve been suffering for years, or are keen to get treatment for a new problem before it becomes chronic, we can help.


We cure some problems in a single series of sessions; others need treatment over the longer term to keep symptoms at bay. Often, physiotherapy can be so effective it removes the need for an operation.

Careful Assessment

When you first come to see us, we’ll look at how you sit, and how you walk, so we can see exactly where the problems lie and what difficulties you are having. We generally make assessments with patients fully clothed, so that you can relax and move normally. That way, we can see what’s really going on. We’ll also ask about your typical daily activities, and find out what you would like to be able to do that you can’t do now – or can’t do without pain.


If we find anything that indicates you should see a doctor, we’ll tell you. Usually, that’s not the case, and we’ll then explain what we can do for you and give you an idea of how many sessions you might need. At every stage, we’ll give you our honest opinion of how the treatment is progressing and what the likely outcome will be.

Personalised Programme

You’ll get a completely individual programme that includes whatever therapies we think will get you better. Our team are skilled in hands-on techniques, such as massage, and are also fully trained in using our state-of the-art laser therapy and shockwave therapy machines. Giving better results than the more commonly-used ultrasound, these machines stimulate the body’s own healing responses so everything else we do becomes more effective. Most people see faster improvement and need fewer sessions using a combination of hands-on and machine therapy than with hands-on therapy alone.


On top of this, we work with you on a programme of movement and exercise that takes into account your current level of health and fitness. You also get practical advice on how to manage day-to-day activities in ways that will stop you doing further damage. And where rehabilitation exercises using gym equipment would be helpful, we introduce you to our gym and give you free access for as long as you need it.


As your pain reduces and your strength and flexibility grow, you should also start to feel better in yourself and to lose the all-too-common feelings of chronic tiredness that affect so many back and neck pain sufferers.


To get started on your personal recovery programme, call us on 01625 432152 for an initial appointment.

To book an initial assessment and find out how we can help, simply give us a ring on 01625 432152